A Celebration

Created by grahamrendell 11 years ago
Hi Everyone We have decided to have an evening for everyone who knew Maureen to come along and celebrate her life together with her family and friends. It will also allow us to raise some much needed funds to help in the fight against this awful illness. One day someone will make a breakthrough that may open the door to a treatment, that will help to take away the awful scenario that faces both sufferers and there carers. If you would like to come along, here are the details Venue: Rosegrove Unity Working Mens Club Burnley Date: 29/6/12 Time: 7:30pm for 8:00pm start Entertainment: The Badger Sett (ex Marren Five) and J9 a fantastic young Lady vocalist. We will have a raffle and collection, but more importantly we have a fantastic celebration of the life of my Wonderful Soulmate who was taken away from us far far to early. Why don't you come along, you would be very very welcome!! Graham, Mark and Donna.