The Phantom Flip Flop

Created by Donna Donna Rendell 13 years ago
I'll never forget the day you got Dad to take down the panelling in the kitchen, it was a long piece of plywood and Dad had taken it all down and was out in the back garden near the back gate trying to break it down into smaller pieces. Ever one to be the "helpful one" there we were watching him bend each large piece in half, and it was taking ages for them to break down so out of nowhere you stuck your foot out over the curved bit of the bending bit of panelling, and just tweaked it enough to make it snap in half. Sadly Dad wasn't aware you were assisting so he dropped like a rock as he wasn't expecting the panel to break at that time and he nutted the plant pots tied onto the took us hours to stop laughing at that :) xx Just one of the side splitting moments we had together xx